Yongchao Zhang (张永超)
CV 中文主页
Current Position: Professor
Address: School of Economics, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics (SHUFE),111 Wuchuan Road Yangpu District, Shanghai 200433 China
E-mail: yongchao at mail.shufe.edu.cn (or zyongao at gmail.com)
Telephone: (+86) 21 6590-2407
- B. S. (1999), M. S. (2008) in Mathematics, University of Science and Technology of China
- Ph.D in Mathematics, National University of Singapore, 2011
Research Interest
Working Papers
- Mathematical Economics, Game Theory, Matching Theory
- My Google Scholar Citations Page
Working Papers
- Hierarchical exchange rules and the core in indivisible objects allocation (with Qianfeng Tang), 2015
- Aumann's notion of rationality for backward induction: a research note (with Xiao Luo), 2009
- On the solvability of three-agent task allocation with unqualified agents priority structures (with Yu Gu, 谷雨), Review of Economic Design, 28 (2024), 435-453.
- On the core in school choice, (with Kang Rong, and Qianfeng Tang), Economic Theory, 77 (2024), 783-800.
- On two mechanisms in job rotation problems (with Yu Gu, 谷雨), Journal of Mathematical Economics, 111 (2024), 102959.
- Weak stability and Pareto efficiency in school choice (with Qianfeng Tang), Economic Theory, 71(2021), 533-552.
- On stable and efficient mechanisms for priority-based allocation problems (with Kang Rong, and Qianfeng Tang), Journal of Economic Theory, 187 (2020), 105014.
- On pure-strategy equilibria in games with correlated information (with M. Ali Khan), Games and Economic Behavior,111 (2018), 289-304.
- On sufficiently-diffused information in Bayesian games: a dialectical formalization (with M. Ali Khan), in: Advances in Mathematical Economics, Vol. 21, Shigeo Kusuoka and Toru Maruyama (eds.), Springer Verlag, Singapore, pp 47--73, 2017.
- On the equivalence of large individualized and distributionalized games (with M. Ali Khan, Kali P. Rath and Haomiao Yu), Theoretical Economics 12 (2017), 533-554
- Existence of pure-strategy equilibria in Bayesian games: a sharpened necessity result (with M. Ali Khan), International Journal of Game Theory 46 (2017), 167-183
- Pure-strategy Nash equilibria in nonatomic games with infinite-dimensional action spaces (with Xiang Sun), Economic Theory 58 (2015), 161–182
- On the existence of pure-strategy equilibria in games with private information: a complete characterization (with M. Ali Khan), Journal of Mathematical Economics 50 (2014), 197–202
- Large distributional games with traits (with M. Ali Khan, Kali P. Rath and Haomiao Yu), Economics Letters 118 (2013), 502–505
- Purification, saturation and the exact law of large numbers (with Jianwei Wang), Economic Theory 50 (2012), 527–545
- Set-valued functions, Lebesgue extensions and saturated probability spaces (with M. Ali Khan), Advances in Mathematics, 229(2) (2012), 1080-1103
- Individual risk and Lebesgue extension without aggregate uncertainty (with Yeneng Sun), Journal of Economic Theory 144 (2009), 432-443
--- on Mechanism Design and Related Topics, 03 May- 10 August, 2009
- NSF of China, No. 71873081, Jan. 2019--Dec. 2022
- 上海财经大学, 教书育人标兵 (提名奖), 2018
- 上海财经大学,我心目中的好老师, SHUFE, 2014, 2016
- Hausdorff Trimester Program, Hausdorff Research Institute for Mathematics, University of Bonn
--- on Mechanism Design and Related Topics, 03 May- 10 August, 2009
- NSF of China for young scholars, No. 11201283, Jan. 2013--Dec. 2015
- Best Graduate Researcher Award (Faculty of Science), National University of Singapore, 2008
- Mathematical Economics; Game Theory; Advanced Microeconomic Theory; Mathematical Analysis
- Topics on Matching and Market Design (Joint with Qianfeng Tang, Quan Wen, and Dawen Meng)